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How to Play

Welcome to Minesweeper! The objective of the game is to clear the grid without detonating any mines. Here’s how to play:

  • Left Click: Reveal a cell. If the cell contains a mine, the game is over. If the cell is empty, it will display a number indicating how many mines are adjacent to it. If it is empty and has no adjacent mines, it will automatically reveal neighboring cells.
  • Right Click: Flag a cell to mark it as a potential mine. You can also use this to unflag a cell. This helps you keep track of cells you suspect contain mines.
  • Mouse Wheel Click: When a cell is flagged with the correct number of adjacent flags, you can use the mouse wheel click (middle button) on an empty cell to automatically reveal all adjacent cells. This only works if the flags around the cell match the number displayed.
  • Game Over: If you click on a cell that contains a mine, the game will end, and all mines will be revealed.
  • Winning the Game: The game is won when all non-mine cells are revealed, or all mines are correctly flagged.

Additional Tips:

  • Use the numbers displayed in each cell to help deduce the locations of the mines.
  • Be cautious with your flagging and revealing; incorrect flags or revealing the wrong cells can quickly lead to a game over.
  • The grid size and number of mines vary depending on the difficulty level you choose: Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert.

Good luck, and have fun!